Lunedì 18 marzo 2013, ore 18.00 e 20.30
Auditorium di Milano Fondazione Cariplo, largo Gustav Mahler

Ingresso gratuito con posto assegnato
ore 20.30
Auditorium di Milano Fondazione Cariplo, largo Mahler
Ingresso gratuito con posto assegnato
Questa sera è stato possibile assistere
gratuitamente al concerto-evento in occasione dell'edizione 2013 di ICMA (International
Classical Music Awards) che quest'anno viene ospitato a Milano nella
prestigiosa cornice dell’Auditorium di Milano Fondazione Cariplo.
Il concerto (ore 20.30) prevede un programma molto ricco con le esibizioni
dei premiati di quest'anno.
La serata si apre con Les Cornets Noirs,
ensemble specializzato in musica antica per lasciare poi spazio al giovane
controtenore Valer Barna Sabadus in un’aria dal Rinaldo di Georg Friedrich
Handel accompagnato da laVerdi Barocca con il suo direttore Ruben Jais.
Sarà poi la volta dei solisti strumentali, sostenuti da laVerdi diretta da
John Axelrod: Nicolas Altstaedt, violoncellista, impegnato nel primo
movimento del Concerto in Do maggiore di Haydn; la violinista Carolin
Widmann alle prese con il primo movimento del Concerto per violino di
Korngold; quindi, per finire la prima parte, la clarinettista Laura Ruiz
Ferreres che suonerà il Concerto per clarinetto di Copland.
Il grande pianista Aldo Ciccolini eseguirà la Morte d’Isotta di Liszt.
Al pianoforte si siederà subito dopo una giovane promessa, Alessandro
Mazzamuto (premiato come giovane strumentista dell’anno), che si cimenterà
con il Secondo Concerto di Rachmaninov.Torna poi un cantante, il baritono
Leszek Skrla, alle prese con un’aria di S.Moniuszko.
Uno sguardo alla musica di oggi è garantito dal violoncellista Truls Mørk,
che ha scelto il Secondo Concerto di Rautavaara per la sua performance.
Finale per sola orchestra: prima sarà Dmitrij Kitaenko a scatenare laVerdi
in due passi da L’Uccello di fuoco di Stravinski; quindi, in omaggio
all’orchestra e all’anno verdiano, torna John Axelrod per siglare la
serata con la sinfonia della Forza del destino di Giuseppe Verdi.
Da questa sera al bookshop è in vendita il CD vincitore del premio Verdi
Discoveries diretto dal Maestro Riccardo Chailly inciso nel 2003 e
ristampato da Decca in questi giorni.
ICMA 2013 (International Classical Music Awards)
Milano – nella prestigiosa cornice dell’Auditorium di Milano
Fondazione Cariplo in largo Mahler
Cerimonia di premiazione ed il concerto speciale.
Nato nel 2010, ICMA è un prestigioso
premio europeo che assegna riconoscimenti alle migliori produzioni
discografiche dell’anno e a interpreti e istituzioni particolarmente
Unico criterio guida per la giuria (composta da 17 membri provenienti da
13 Paesi d’Europa) è la qualità, indipendentemente dai risultati di
La serata-evento del 18 marzo 2013 prevede la cerimonia di premiazione
(ore 18.00) cui seguirà ilconcerto (ore 20.30) al quale parteciperanno
molti dei vincitori di questa edizione.
Oltre alle migliori produzioni discografiche, saranno premiati anche
giovani artisti emergenti e alcuni premi speciali tra cui quello alla
carriera al Maestro Aldo Ciccolini e all’Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano
Giuseppe Verdi, per il suo originalissimo contributo alla discografia
verdiana, conil cd “Verdi Discoveries” (2003). A ritirare il premio sarà
il Maestro Riccardo Chailly, oggi direttore emerito de laVerdi che nel
2003 registrò il cd.
Auditorium di Milano Fondazione
Largo Gustav Mahler
da martedì a domenica dalle ore 14.30 alle ore 19.00
Lunedì chiuso.
tel. 02.83389.401/402/403 fax 02.83389.300
Spazio dedicato presso lo sportello MY LINK POINT CADORNA
Piazza Cadorna,14
tel. 02/85114865
lunedì/sabato 10.00/18.00 orario continuato
domenica dalle 10.00/ 16.00 orario continuato
John Axelrod spiega cos’è ICMA
John Axelrod non ha mai celato la propria venerazione per Leonard
Bernstein, di cui è stato allievo, e di cui condivide l’amore per la
“buona musica”, al di là dei generi: vogliamo allora fare un piccolo
regalo ai nostri lettori offrendo loro un articolo tratto da MUSICA 37,
del giugno 1985, in cui Michele Salvini ed Elvio Giudici raccontano, con
aneddoti poco noti, il making of della famosa registrazione di West Side
Story dell’anno precedente, incisa per DG con José Carreras e Kiri Te
Kanawa. Da quelle sedute di incisione, poi, è stato tratto anche un video:
lo potete vedere integralmente su YouTube all’indirizzo:

Donate un sostegno
alle attività di CONCERTODAUTUNNO
Seguono immagini della serata:

Amarcord – zu S. Thomas
Zwei Gregorianische Messen aus dem Thomas-Graduale – Thomaskirche Leipzig, um
Amarcord Ensemble
RKap 10112
As a vocal ensemble of worldwide reputation, Amarcord presents a broad spectrum
of repertory from Gregorian chant to contemporary pieces. This CD with music
from the St. Thomas Boys Choir Library demonstrates the group’s immense artistic
potential. Outstanding balance of sound, exquisite tone and admirable

Polychoral Splendour
Music from the four galleries of the Abbey Church of Muri by Giovanni Gabrieli
and Heinrich Schütz
Cappella Murensis (Siri Karoline Thornhill, Stephanie Petitlaurent, Rolf Ehlers,
Jürgen Ochs, Mirko Ludwig, Manuel Warwitz, Simon Schnorr, Kees Jan De Koning),
Les Cornets Noirs, Johannes Strobl
Audite 92.652
A marvelous recording reflecting the highly colorful, rich and vital
spirituality of Venice in the 17th century. The title ‘Polychoral Splendour’
could not be better chosen for the committed performances by Cappella Murensis
and Les Cornets. The surround sound recording is impressive indeed.

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy – Geistliches Chorwerk
Kammerchor Stuttgart, Frieder Bernius
Carus 83020
Recording Mendelssohn’s complete sacred music for choir is in itself a huge
achievement, and the sensitivity and refinement of these performances make this
edition a necessary point of departure for all future work in this field.

Stanislaw Moniuszko: Verbum nobile
Aleksander Teliga, Aleksandra Buczek, Leszek Skrla, Michal Partyka, Janusz
Lewandowski, Chor i Orkiestra Opery na Zamku / Warcislaw Kunc
Dux 783
The lightness and charm of the overture sets the tone for a wonderfully engaging
performance from the forces of Szczecin’s Opera at the Castle under Warcislaw
Kunc. Celebrated as the ‘Father of Polish music’, Moniuszko remains too little
known abroad, and this Verbum Nobile – only the work’s second recording – should
help to increase his appeal.

Warcislaw Kunc
Olivier Messiaen: Quatuor pour la fin du temps
Carolin Widmann, violin, Jörg Widmann, clarinet, Nicolas Altstaedt, cello,
Alexander Lonquich, piano
Orfeo C 840121 B
Carolin & Jörg Widmann, Nicolas Altstaedt and Alexander Lonquich perform
Messiaen’s Quartet for the end of time with great dignity and sense of
proportion, as is appropriate to the seriousness of this work, while reveling in
the score’s joyous play of colors.

Nicolas Altstaedt, cello and Carolin Widmann,
Dances to a Black Pipe
Copland – Brahms – Fröst – Piazzolla – Hillborg – Högberg
Martin Fröst, Australian Chamber Orchestra, Richard Tognetti
In these outstanding performances the Swedish Clarinet player Martin Fröst
offers another impressive demonstration of his wide-ranging virtuosity and
musical souplesse. He builds around the Copland Clarinet Concerto an unusual
programme of works related to dance: Klezmer, Tango, Hungarian dances by Brahms,
but also contemporary dances by Lutoslawski and Fröst’s compatriots Hillborg and

Albert Roussel: Le festin de l’araignée (The Spider’s Banquet), Padmâvatî
Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Stéphane Denève
Naxos 8.572243
After recording the complete Symphonies by Albert Roussel, Stéphane Denève and
the Royal Scottish Orchestra continue their outstanding exploration of this
composer’s work in an album featuring the orchestral suites. The coloristic
richness of these scores has never been revealed to such telling effect.

Einojuhani Rautavaara: Cello Concerto No. 2 ‘Towards the Horizon’, Modificata,
Percussion Concerto ‘Incantations’
Truls Mørk, cello, Colin Currie, percussion, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra,
John Storgårds
Ondine ODE11782
This first-ever recording of the last two concertos by this master of the genre
highlights the multifaceted talent of the composer: on one hand the rhythmic
precision of the percussion and on the other the romantic, almost mystical
quality suggested by the shimmering colors in the Cello Concerto. The two
distinguished soloists match in every phrase the inspiration of the works

Anton Bruckner: Symphonies No. 1 – 9
Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, Herbert Blomstedt
Querstand VKJK 1230
Unfussy and surprisingly transparent: this is a truly modern Bruckner-Cycle!
Blomstedt combines the full round ‘German’ sound of the Gewandhaus Orchestra
with electrifying, sharply-contoured and brightly-coloured, aristocratic
Les Ballets Russes
Igor Stravinsky: The Firebird, Petrushka, The Rite of Spring
Moscow Philharmonic, Moscow State Conservatory Symphony Orchestra, Radio and
Television Symphony Orchestra, Dmitrij Kitajenko, Pierre Boulez, Vladimir
Melodiya 1001990
In these brilliant and strongly contrasting recordings, Stravinsky’s music
captivates the listener thanks to the constant musical tension, the coloristic
and rhythmic vividness of the performances. The sharply-defined Melodiya
recording enhances the impact of the interpretations.

Dmitrij Kitajenko
Francesco Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur
Angela Gheorghiu, Jonas Kaufmann, Olga Borodina, Alessandro Corbelli, David Soar,
Iain Paton, Janis Kelly, Sarah Castle, Maurizio Muraro, Bonaventura Bottone,
Chorus and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Mark Elder
(conductor) & David McVicar (stage director)
Decca 0743459
No other DVD of Cilea’s Adriana Lecouvreur makes us as consistently aware of the
work’s exquisite musical craftsmanship and sensitively-judged theatrical
construction as this 2010 Covent Garden performance. Conductor Mark Elder and
director David McVicar offer an ideal framework for the inspired interaction of
Angela Gheorghiu, Jonas Kaufmann, Olga Borodina and Alessandro Corbelli.

Ritira il figlio di Alessandro Corbelli.
Altri premi per i quali i solisti erano questa sera impegnati
Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonatas & Partitas BWV 1001-3 (Vol. II)
Isabelle Faust, violin
Harmonia Mundi HMC 902124
Isabelle Faust’s enthusiasm for these iconic masterpieces is more than
contagious. Her passionate performances combine linearity, lyricism, intimacy
and an understanding of period practice with a dazzling technique. A very
welcome addition to the huge Bach discography!
Christian Gerhaher – Ferne Geliebte
Beethoven – Haydn – Schönberg – Berg
Christian Gerhaher, baritone, Gerold Huber, piano
Sony Classical 88691935432
The great German baritone Christian Gerhaher combines exceptional insight in his
repertoire programming, countless nuances in his phrasing, painstaking
musicality and the charming simplicity that is the second nature to the greatest
Serge Rachmaninov: Piano Sonata No. 1 in D minor, Op. 28, Piano Sonata No. 2 in
B flat minor, Op. 36
Nikolai Lugansky, piano
Naïve AM208
Nikolai Lugansky has recorded the two piano sonatas by Rachmaninov in a truly
exemplary manner. His outstanding pianistic skill enables him to produce massive
agglomerations of sound while maintaining perfect tonal balance and transparency.
The melodic lines of the slow movements are moving in contour yet inflected
without sentimentalism.
John Cage – Journeys in Sound. A Film by Allan Miller & Paul Smaczny
Accentus ACC 20246
Celebrating Cage’s centenary, this is an extraordinary documentary that explores
the composer’s imaginative universe in great detail and with rare intelligence
and truthfulness, making us aware of his greatness as both as a musician and as
a creative artist of the first order.

A pianistic legend in his own lifetime, Aldo Ciccolini has been performing all
over the world for more than seventy years now. His numerous recordings, some
of which offer a generous overview of a composer’s works, have gained
ever-increasing critical recognition with the passing decades. At a very
advanced age he continues to share his passion for music with audiences and
his profound knowledge of the repertoire with his pupils. ICMA’s Lifetime
Achievement Award 2013 honors a great musician and an extraordinary

ARTIST OF THE YEAR: Carolin Widmann, volino
The German violinist has turned into one of the outstanding – and most
uncompromising — musical personalities of our age. Her sensitivity and
intelligence as an interpreter enable her to express the deepest emotions in the
romantic sonatas by Schumann or Schubert, while at the same time feeding her
curiosity for contemporary music and the exploration of experimental sonorities.

With a vocal range and a richness of sound far exceeding the possibilities of
most of his colleagues, the countertenor Valer Sabadus has emerged in recent
years as a singer of rare personality. In his recordings as well as on stage he
displays brilliant artistry and technique: fluency, brightness of tone and a
probing musicality.

This young Sicilian pianist Alessandro Mazzamuto is no showy virtuoso, no
unyielding technician, but a pianist capable of entering deeply into the music
which he plays with a singular combination of spontaneity and poetry. Still very
young, he has already mastered the music that lies beyond technique.

For the past forty years Audite has been presenting new and historic
recordings to discriminating music-lovers. Even in these difficult times the
label has never compromised on quality and continues to issue long forgotten
recordings in fine sound, as well as giving a chance to talented performers of
today to explore a broad range of repertoire.

CLASSICAL WEBSITE AWARD: Philharmonia Orchestra
The Philharmonia Orchestra embraces wholeheartedly the digital age, with a
website that combines ideal clarity of information with lots of in-depth
features on the artists involved, the instruments played and the music performed,
and now apps for tablets.

Robert von Bahr founded BIS Records in 1973 with the aim of helping world-class
Swedish musicians to reach an worldwide audience. Thanks to his extensive
knowledge of artists and the repertoire, the focus of the label became rapidly
more international. Today the richness of the BIS catalogue, which includes many
award-winning discs, is a tribute to the qualities of this exceptional man of

Orchestra LaVerdi
Luigi Corbani displayed rare courage and vision in founding laVerdi twenty
years ago, and under Riccardo Chailly’s musical direction the Orchestra quickly
proved capable of competing with Italy’s finest. The «Verdi Discoveries» CD,
issued by Decca ten years ago, features long-neglected orchestral pieces by the
composer whose bicentenary we celebrate this year and represents the Orchestra
and Chailly at their unsurpassed best.

Maestro Riccardo Chailly

Con Luigi Corbani, fondatore de LaVerdi

The GALA concert ..
Les Cornets Noirs, ensemble specializzato in musica antica

Il giovane controtenore Valer Barna Sabadus in un’aria dal
Rinaldo di Georg Friedrich Handel accompagnato da laVerdi Barocca con il suo
direttore Ruben Jais.

Nicolas Altstaedt, violoncellista,
impegnato nel primo movimento del
Concerto in Do maggiore di Haydn Orchestra Verdi diretta da John Axelrod

La violinista Carolin Widmann alle
prese con il primo movimento del
Concerto per violino di Korngold

La clarinettista Laura Ruiz Ferreres
nel Concerto per clarinetto di Copland

Il grande pianista Aldo Ciccolini ha
eseguito la Morte d’Isotta di Liszt.

Una giovane promessa, Alessandro
(premiato come giovane strumentista dell’anno),
che si cimenta con il Secondo Concerto di Rachmaninov.

Il baritono Leszek Skrla, alle prese
con due arie di S.Moniuszko.

Dmitrij Kitaenko a capo de aVerdi nel finale da
L’Uccello di fuoco di Stravinski4

John Axelrod per siglare la serata con la sinfonia della
Forza del destino di Giuseppe Verdi



Jader Bignamini, Ruben Jais con il giovane cantante Valer Sabadus
Jader Bignamini e John Axelrod